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Author Title File Number Issue
I.Y. Vikulov The formation of the concept of «religion» in Russia: between the normative and the deviant Volume 43, № 4 Philosophy. Sociology. Law
N.V. Vashukevich, I.A. Staritsina Land Statistical Monitoring of the Ural Economic District Volume 42, № 4 Natural Sciences
A.E. Sukhanov, O.V. Buyuklinskaya, R.G. Koptyaeva Steroid connections of the phytogenesis: phytoecdysones (phytoecdysteroids). Scientometric research of data of scientific and practical literature Volume 40, №26 Medicine. Pharmacy
М.V. Tretyakova Stolnik P.A. Tolstoy about fountains of Rome Volume 46, № 2 History. Politology
E.E. Islyamova The сountries of the Black sea region: conceptual definition and coverage in the russian dissertations Volume 44, №22 History. Politology
N.I. Korsunov, S.N. Ushakova The structure of the neurocomputer system classification of signals Volume 46, № 3 Economics. Computer Science
E.V. Merdesheva, O.I. Bannikova Structure of the Modern Distribution System in the Intergover Catholics of the Pepublic of Altai Volume 42, № 4 Natural Sciences
E.I. Kriger Structural semantic particularities of new lexical units of civic life at the beginning of the 2000’s as reflected in the newspapers NEW YORK POST and NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Volume 39, № 1 Humanities
A.I. Akhmetzyanova Structural-functional organization and genesis of anticipational-prognostic mechanism of socio-psychological adaptation in delinquent behavior Volume 37, №1 Humanities
T.S. Kumykov The signal-to-noise ratio measurement in chloroform detection in the presence of krypton buffer gas by laser photoacoustic method Volume 51, № 3 Mathematics. Physics

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