Current issue (Issues in Journalism, Education, Linguistics)

Volume 39, № 1


S.V. Arkhipov. Features of spoken portuguese language in monuments of written language in portuguese from XVI century (on base of works written by F. de Oliveira)
Y.S. Blazhevich. Problems of indigenous languages in West Africa (illustrated by Cameroon and Nigeria)
E.A. Bespalova, A.V. Elnikova . Entertainment radio format as a factor defining the speech culture of a radio journalist (using the examples of "Europa Plus” radio)
E.I. Kriger. Structural semantic particularities of new lexical units of civic life at the beginning of the 2000’s as reflected in the newspapers NEW YORK POST and NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Zhao Pengbo. Semantic features of phraseological units with the “water” component in the Chinese language
D.A. Cheremokhina, I.M. Chebotareva. Cognitive bases of interaction in a marketing discourse

Journalism and public relations

E.A. Kuiantseva. Modern information processes in the media of Ukraine
A.S. Litovskaya. Retrospective of subtext development in Russia
I.V. Privalova. Deindividualization of messages in the blogosphere


E.I. Eroshenkova. Genesis of formation of prosocial installation of future teachers in the activities of student pedagogical orders
E.V. Zelenina. Optimization of psychological and pedagogical conditions for developing scientific research competences in translator training (on the example of the discipline “Basic theory of the German language”)
Yu.A. Cherniyenko. Library resources for childhood development
Yu.Yu. Chikina. Ways to make a comfortable socio-psychological climate in the lesson in the conditions of education informatization (on the example of lessons of geography)