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Author Title File Number Issue
S.V. Budnik Anthropogenous influence on silt charge the rivers the Western Bug and Pripyat Volume 42, № 4 Natural Sciences
V.A. Hrisanov, S.N. Kolmykov, M.Yu. Polushkin Influence of Global Climate Warming on the Manifestations of Modern Exogenous Processes on the Territory of the Belgorod Region Volume 42, № 4 Natural Sciences
A.B. Degtyar, O.I. Grigoreva Development of Land Forests of the Belgorod Region for the 400-year period Volume 42, № 4 Natural Sciences
L.S. Shumilovskikh, P.Yu. Sannikov History of the Kungur Forest-Steppe in the Holocene: Problems, Approaches and First Results Volume 42, № 4 Natural Sciences
E.A. Vedeneeva Modeling of River Run-off in the Different Landscape Conditions on Plain Part of the European Part of Russia Volume 42, № 4 Natural Sciences
O.M. Sablina, Y.G. Chendev Ravine Network Research Practice Using Multi-Temporal Plane Surveying Volume 42, № 4 Natural Sciences
N.N. Ryabova, E.G. Zakharova, M.I. Dergacheva Estimation of the Dependence of Humus Component Correlation of Mountain Altai Soils on Climate Elements Volume 42, № 4 Natural Sciences
E.A. Likhacheva, L.A. Nekrasova, I.V. Chesnokova Resources Focused Cities in Permafrost Zone (Ecological and geomorphological challenges and solutions) Volume 42, № 4 Natural Sciences
N.V. Vashukevich, I.A. Staritsina Land Statistical Monitoring of the Ural Economic District Volume 42, № 4 Natural Sciences
E.V. Merdesheva, O.I. Bannikova Structure of the Modern Distribution System in the Intergover Catholics of the Pepublic of Altai Volume 42, № 4 Natural Sciences

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