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Author Title File Number Issue
M.E. Kosov Risk analysis the loss revenues of the budget system of the Russian Federation Volume 45, №1 Economics. Computer Science
N.G. Zakharchenko, E.M. Mamatov, D.A. Yatsynyuk, N.V. Kolos Comprehensive assessment of image quality with the use of the information criteria of homogeneity Volume 45, №1 Economics. Computer Science
Ya.B. Eroshenko, K.K. Samkharadze Computer analysis of air pollution dispersion by road-building machinery Volume 45, №1 Economics. Computer Science
N.N. Kuchukova, N.A. Vershkov Mathematical model of subsystem of document retrieval and ranking in information-retrieval systems Volume 45, №1 Economics. Computer Science
V.G. Rubanov, O.V. Lutsenko, E.M. Parashchuk Method of analytical structures design of the restructured tests former Volume 45, №1 Economics. Computer Science
L.I. Kasimova, A.N. Biryukov A method of constructing a dynamic model of bankruptcies of economic entities Volume 45, №1 Economics. Computer Science
A.A. Osipenko, O.O. Basov The modeling of systems of non-destructive control of electronic modules based on the information theory Volume 45, №1 Economics. Computer Science
O.A. Melnikovа Model for forecasting the need for non-food products: the example of medicines Volume 45, №1 Economics. Computer Science
A.B. Petrovsky, S.V. Pronichkin, M.Yu. Sternin, G.I. Shepelev National innovation systems: structures, goals, functions, ways of development Volume 45, №1 Economics. Computer Science
I.N. Vasilyeva Normative-background information base as a system that allows to implement flexible instruments for calculation of cost of production in industrial enterprise Volume 45, №1 Economics. Computer Science

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