Computer analysis of air pollution dispersion by road-building machinery
Author(s): Ya.B. Eroshenko, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, Samkharadze, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,
Issue: Volume 45, №1
Rubric: Computer simulation history
Annotation: In this article, environmental problems of foreign countries are noted, the main causes of environmental pollution are described, a study is made of the population of the Earth, the number of natural emergencies occurring on the territory of the Russian Federation, the costs of protecting the air, the environmental situation in Russia, reflects the relevance of the study of the air basin in the construction of highways, identified the most harmful pollutants that have the greatest negative impact on the ecosystem and human health, based on methods for calculating the dispersion of pollutant emissions into the atmospheric air of road a computer program has been developed by construction equipment. The program allows to calculate emissions separately for each type of road construction equipment and calculate the concentration of substances with all equipment at once. Calculations of emissions and concentrations are presented in the form of graphs and for the sake of clarity, the maximum permissible concentrations are presented for each concentration
Keywords: population size, ecology, environment, air emissions, maximum allowable concentration, road construction machines
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