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Author Title File Number Issue
A.I. Loshakov, N.V. Verhovtseva, G.E. Larina Environmental Estimation of the Functional Zones in the Natural Reserve «Valley Setun» by the Response of Soil Microbial Complex Volume 42, № 2 Natural Sciences
P.S. Persidskii, K.V. Khlebnikov Ecological innovation in the implementation of gastanprom projects Volume 46, № 3 Economics. Computer Science
E.V. Bespalova Ecological Zoning of the Voronezh Reservoir Based on Indicators of Phytoplankton and Microphytobentose Volume 42, № 3 Natural Sciences
L.V. Kolpina, S.G. Gorilik, E.N. Kamyshanchenko The social health economic determination of senior age group population: regional poll results Volume 45, №2 Economics. Computer Science
G.V. Uskov Economic relations between the cities and Berber tribes in the roman North Africa of the era of the Antonines Volume 46, № 3 History. Politology
O. V. Miheenko, A.B. Titov Economic development of Russia`s regions and modern industrial policy Volume 45, №1 Economics. Computer Science
V.L. Kolesnikova Economic condition of Kursk and Tambov provinces convents in the second half of XIX-th – the beginning of XX-th centuries Volume 39, №15 History. Politology
М.V. Tretyakova Digressions into British history in the final reports of the Venetian ambassadors in England in the 30-ies – 50-ies of 16-th century Volume 45, № 3 History. Politology
V.V. Savchenko, T.A. Solovyova Experimental study of phonetic properties of the speech signal on the basis of its information-theoretic model Volume 45, №1 Economics. Computer Science
Md All Rayhan, V.V. Bulynin, D.V. Bulynin, B.E. Leibovich, L.P. Bondarenko EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF SURGICAL TREATMENT TACTICS OF PATIENTS WITH BOERHAAVE SYNDROME Volume 41, №1 Medicine. Pharmacy

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