Use post-settlement geotopes to enclosure breeding of hunting animals

Author(s):  V.E. Artishchev, Belgorod regional public organization "Society of hunters and fishermens", Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 43, № 3

Rubric:  Earth sciences

Annotation:  The possibility of intensification of hunting at the expense of breeding of hunting animals in enclosures on post-settlement lands of the abandoned villages presented. These geotopes are currently in a state of ecological renaturation and are attractive refugiums for wild fauna, with a good food base. In the post-residential area there is a secondary succession of forest-steppe type. The author has studied the ecosystem of the former settlement of Bereznyagi-2 in the Alekseevsky district of the Belgorod region. The eastern part of the former settlement is represented mainly by woody vegetation with a predominance of the following species: Fraxinus excelsior, Acer platanoides, Quercus robur. The Western part of the site is represented by herbaceous vegetation with dominance: Urtica dioica, Festuca pratensis, Stellaria graminea. In the studied area there were valuable hunting species of animals: Columba palumbus, Streptopelia turtur, Crex crex, Lepus europaeus. Post-settlement ecosystem marked by intense regenerative soil formation. The description of a specific post-settlement geotope and the principle of creating an aviary farm with an area of 30 hectares, with the possibility of keeping deer breeding, is given. The project takes into account the economic and environmental risks of economic activity and proposes ways to minimize them. Described in the article method of hunting animals breeding in enclosures can be useful for hunters and public land. The organization of the captive economy on the territories of abandoned rural settlements would provide an environmentally compatible alternative use of natural resources, their ecological and socio-economic rehabilitation.

Keywords:  post-settlement geosystems, environmental renaturation, refugia, hunting, enclosure breeding of hunting animals.

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