Innovation management of the higher educational institution activities by means of digital development of the automated control system (acs) in the high schools and electronic university

Author(s):  S.K. Kuizheva, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Maikop State Technological University»,, Maikop, Russia,

Kh.A. Abduzhalilov, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Maikop State Technological, Maikop, Russia,

Z.D. Gasheva, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Maikop State Technological University», Maikop, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 46, № 3

Rubric:  Investment and innovations

Annotation:  This paper makes a point of tools creation for the preparation of intellectual resources for the region, it meant to be the Automated control system (ACS) of the university and the Electronic University in the context of the innovative development of country's economy in general, and its educational sphere, in particular. It is established that improvement of the structural elements of the university should be carried out on the basis of the ideology development of the digital economy in universities. With this background the semantic content of the concept of "digitalization of education" is defined. The applying possibility of the platform principle of organizing university management and being engaging in an educational process that ensures the innovations efficiency into the university’s activities, expanding the range of tasks solved by the university, improving the intellectual resources quality for the country development is considered. Based on these, the study defines the toolkit providing innovative development of the automated control systems ACS in the high schools and Electronic universities. Moreover, a list of modern information technologies in training, the application of multi-agent systems, a scheme for organizing training programs, gamification, big data analysis, organizational and Data Mining, methods of the theory of active systems have been researched.

Keywords:  innovation management, Automated control system in the high schools, Electronic University, digital economy, a unified educational platform

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