On the issue of the functioning of regionalism in the media text (on the material of the Ardennes regionolect)

Author(s):  T.I. Retinskaya, Dr., Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, Russia, tatret@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 38, № 3

Rubric:  Linguistics

Annotation:  The focus of this paper is one of the important aspects of the use of a regional language substrate in the aesthetic function – the integration of regionalisms into a journalistic text. The actual material for the study was a series of news reports published by René Dauvin (1909-1993) under the heading Salut Nénesse! of L’Ardennais periodical of the region Grand Est. By means of the developed algorithm for studying geographically restricted lexemes extracted from media materials, the concentration, frequency and methods of semantization of the elements of the Ardennes idiom are revealed, the thematic inventory of the regional language substrate is carried out, the dominant semantic macro systems are systematized and the leading functions of the forms of local speech are characterized. All information about the regiolect fund, taken from the journalistic text, is reflected in the regiolect-graphical card index, the data of which are used to determine the vitality index of ardennisms and the implementation of multimedia projects that contribute to the revitalization of the regiolect.

Keywords:  Ardennes regiolect, media text, René Dauvin, methods of semantization of regionalisms, semantic dominant, vitality of a regional lexeme

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