Predictive value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in patients with chronic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (review of literature)

Author(s):  V.F. Kamenev, Dr., Prof., Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia,

Ju.V. Ovchinnikov, Dr., Prof., S.M. Kirov military-medical Academy (branch), Moscow, Russia

M.V. Palchenkova, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, S.M. Kirov military-medical Academy (branch), Moscow, Russia

I.A. Belyaev, S.M. Kirov military-medical Academy (branch), Moscow, Russia

N.I. Obolonkova, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod , Russia,

J.B. Chervyakova, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

A.A. Kopelev, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 42, № 2

Rubric:  Cardiology

Annotation:  Chronic heart failure (CHF) with preserved ejection fraction (EF) in the past 25 years took a considerable share in the structure of morbidity of cardiovascular pathology and is regarded by experts as one of the non-communicable epidemics оf the twenty-first century. According to recent studies, this group of patients is more than 50 % of all patients with CHF. Cardiopulmonary exersice testing (CPX) is one of the relatively new non-invasive diagnostic methods, which in recent decades considerable distribution in determining long-term prognoses in patients with CHF, including patients with preserved EF. СPX provides ample opportunities to diagnose and determine the pathological mechanisms that define the major contributors to the reduced tolerance for endurance in patients with CHF. Selected indicators of CPX proven predictive significance in patients with CHF with reduced EF. Analyzed the evolutionary formed opinions on the predictive value of individual variables CPX in patients with preserved EF and perspective of their impact in the timely diagnosis and tactics of this group of patients. Today, among the analyzed CSTP variables, it is ppMVO2 that is the best predictor of the prognostic outcomes of the disease in patients with HFpEF, which is of great prognostic value. Additional research is also needed to determine the cohort of HFpEF patients with low and high risk of cardiovascular events and mortality. Having the ability to identify patients with a higher risk profile can improve long-term survival and influence treatment tactics for this group of patients.

Keywords:  cardiopulmonary exercise testing, CPX, chronic heart failure, preserved injection fraction, peak oxygen uptake, prognosis, ppMVO2, VE/VCO2, EOV

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