Author(s):  I.V. Konev, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod , Russia, konev@bsu.edu.ru

I.E. Nadutkina, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod , Russia, nadutkina@bsu.edu.ru

Y.V. Goncharuk, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod , Russia, goncharuk_ya@bsu.edu.ru

Issue:  Volume 44, № 1

Rubric:  Sociology and Social Technologies

Annotation:  The problem of introducing technology of project management in the development of the physical education and educational space of the university is considered. The introduction of project management technology in the process of development of the physical education and educational space of the university is associated with serious changes in the corporate culture of the staff. The technology of project management assumes the presence of a well-coordinated team, capable of effective dialogue and interaction with all subjects of the physical education and educational space of the university. It is emphasized that the expediency of applying the technology of project management of the physical culture and educational space of a higher education institution is determined by a number of factors and is determined by the presence of: (1) the specific characteristics of the physical education and educational space of the higher education institution; (2) accumulated experience. The positions of subjects of physical culture and educational space of the university in relation to the technology of project management in the field of education are revealed. The barriers to the implementation of project management technology in the process of development of the physical education and educational space of the university have been identified.

Keywords:  physical culture and educational space of the university, socio-technological approach, project management technology, implementation barriers

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