Conception of color revolution in political science

Author(s):  A.A. Kerimov, candidate of Sciences, Prof., Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia,

T.V. Verbitskaia, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 46, № 1

Rubric:  Topical issues of political science

Annotation:  The relevance of the study is determined by the nature, peculiarities of the course and the results of the ongoing color revolutions that lead to the destruction of the political systems of states, and even of the states themselves. The purpose of the research is to reveal various approaches in defining the essence and attributes of color revolutions. Since the practice of carrying out color revolutions in the world demonstrates that color revolutions can lead to devastating consequences, up to the termination of the existence of the state, it is important to study the content and characteristics of color revolutions in order to form a mechanism for combating color revolutions, taking into account the nature and degree of danger of color revolutions in their concrete manifestation. The opinions of scientists about color revolutions were divided: some scientists consider color revolutions as a people's voice, true democracy, others as technology of coup d'état. Such a contradiction in the positions of researchers excludes effective counteraction to color revolutions by developing the necessary tools. Formulation of the definition of color revolutions, containing universal signs of this phenomenon, allows to consolidate the positions of researchers. The experience of the accomplished and continuing color revolutions shows that the second position is more justified. Nonetheless, color revolutions are a multi-aspect phenomenon, including also non-violent methods of soft power, which should be taken into account in the content of the definition of color revolution. The authors study the signs, national peculiarities of color revolutions, proceeding from the positions of the researchers of the indicated problems. The authors formulate the definition of color revolutions taking into account discussions, opposing opinions of scientists on the content of this phenomenon, as well as its role and significance.

Keywords:  revolution, coup d'état, politic system, popular protest,political technology.

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