Quantitate the History of Geographical Explorations of the Territory of the Black Sea Coast in Modern Borders of Krasnodar Krai (the 19th Century and the First Half of the 20th Century)

Author(s):  I.N. Gerashchenko, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Krasnodar State Institute of Culture, Krasnodar , Russia, ingerashenko@yandex.ru

Issue:  Volume 43, № 1

Rubric:  Earth sciences

Annotation:  For the first time a comprehensive, sufficiently extensive analysis of the nature of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century of the Black Sea coast in the modern borders of the Krasnodar region was made. The area of the studied region is about 7000 km2. On the basis of a number of archival data, literary materials and electronic resources, cartographic sources, author's results of long-term researches of the territory, including field, in work data on studying of the Black Sea coast in various directions of geographical science in modern borders of Krasnodar region are systematized. The stages of research of geology and geomorphology, climate, hydrology and hydrography, soil, vegetation, fauna, natural and man-made landscapes of the region, the Black Sea are reflected. The research is based on the method of quantification of historical research taking into account landscape-geophysical approach of field surveys in geography. Application of quantification technology has allowed us to combine traditional (quality and content) and quantitative analyses of information sources. For the first time a significant factual material on the history of geographical study was systematized and a ten-year periodization of the process of geographical study of this territory in the stated chronological period was proposed. The percentage of specific weight of geographical researches and the ratio of volume of geographical researches (in %) on scientific areas in modern borders of the Krasnodar Black Sea region on decades of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century are defined. Scientific study of the geographical features of the region amounts to 188 years. The ratio of the volume of geographical research in the region for the period is as follows: the greatest – the study of geological processes and features (23 %), the second place was shared by biological, soil research and comprehensive study of the region (including zoning) and the Black Sea (16 %), and the lowest – ethnographic surveys and deep-sea surveys of the Black Sea (3 %). The greatest value of the percentage of the share of 21 % of all geographical studies in the 19th century. and the first half of the 20th century falls on 1941–1950, and if we exclude the period of the great Patriotic war, it is the post-war five-year period, while this period is characterized by the beginning of systematic research of the soil, the formation of the Black Sea coast, hydrometeorological characteristics, sea terraces. Personally and dated, we provided the list of the researchers and scientists who have devoted years to the study of the unique nature of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus: I.D. Popko, R.A. Prendel, I.V. Figurovsky, N.G. Berezovsky, N.M. Elbow, N.I. Bush, A.I. Voeikov, A.N. Krasnov, I.N. Klingen, K.A. They, G.T. Selyaninov, N.A. Andrusov, A.D. Arkhangel'skaya, N.M. Fears, K.O. Milosevic, A.I. Moskvitin, A.G. Berzin, A.M. Konshin, S.N. Nikitin, K.I. Bogdanovich, S.Y. Yakovlev, N. Berezovsky, A.L., Reinhardt, J.J. Vita, S.A. Zakharov, I.P. Gerasimov, V.V. Akimtsev, P.A. Kostychev, V.V. Dokuchaev, Yu.M. Shokal'skiy, V.P. Zenkovich, P.K. Bozic, A.V. Zhivago, I.N. Safronov, I.V. Bogolyubov and others. In the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century laid the scientific Foundation of research on the nature of the modern territory of the Russian Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar region, started systematic investigations in the physical-geographical area of the region. In ensuring the sustainable development of the Black Sea region of Krasnodar region, the tasks of scientific study of the features of natural objects and phenomena are put forward, and these modern studies are based on long series of observations for several decades, and on individual parameters – hundreds of years, laid down in the 19th–20th centuries.

Keywords:  Black sea coast, Krasnodar region, nature, geographical surveys, observations, quantification method, scientists, researchers, historical aspects, significance.

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