Regulatory and legal support for new teachers as a social and pedagogical prob-lem within the education system of the republic

Author(s):  M.G. Tymchek, Ministry of Education of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, Tiraspol, Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic,

Issue:  Volume 37, № 4

Rubric:  Pedagogics

Annotation:  The article is concerned with the problem of regulatory and legal support for new teachers from the point of view of its social value, in connection with the personnel status of the industry, development objectives and opportunities of the republican education system. Under low social status and prestige of teaching profession, there is a lack of competition for teaching positions in vocational education institutions. A significant part of retired teachers remain in their positions. Staffing problem has become one of the most important issues for the job reproduction. The statements of the article convincingly prove the necessity for deep study of the issue of regulatory legal support for new teachers, both at the level of state regulatory legal acts and at the municipal and any educational institution level. An analysis of legal instruments was conducted to define the terms 'young professional' and 'new teacher'. Data are given about the survey of new teachers and school leaders of Transnistria. The proposed solutions to the identified problems are focused on creating an effective support system and providing suitable conditions for training, attracting, retaining and professional development of new teachers.

Keywords:  new teacher, regulatory and legal support, adaptation, adaptation factors, difficulties of professional integration.

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