Marketing activities of a teacher within conditions of innovative educational system

Author(s):  I.V. Irkhina, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

N.A. Koren'kova , Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 37, № 4

Rubric:  Pedagogics

Annotation:  Current issues of marketing activities of a teacher within conditions of innovations development in the educational system are researched. Social and economic content of marketing activity in relation to the educational organization, as well as stage-by-stage development of marketing activities of teachers within the educational institution are considered. State educational institutions are studied as a social noncommercial sphere; noncommercial marketing in the sphere of noncommercial professional activity of subjects of the education market is considered. The experience of domestic and foreign scientists which reveal marketing and use of marketing activity in education within conditions of innovation development is analyzed. The necessity of using the approach marketing in the organization of network interaction is shown. The relevance in solving the problem of a teacher’s marketing activity development by designing the process of professional training of a future teacher for marketing activities within conditions of information and educational environment of a higher educational institution with the purpose of increasing its competitiveness is demonstrated. Conclusions are made and recommendations on the solution of the problem of a teacher’s marketing activity development are offered.

Keywords:  marketing activities, educational marketing, education, teacher, competences

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