Assessmentof Waterloggingonthe Changeof Typesof Land Useof Arable Landof The Tambov Regionin 1968–2018 by Methodsof Retrospective Monitoringofthe Soil-landcover

Author(s):  D.A. Shapovalov, Dr., Prof., Государственный университет по землеустройству, Moscow, Russia,

P.V. Koroleva, V.V. Dokuchaev Sоil Science Institute, Moscow, Russia,

E.A. Dolinina, V.V. Dokuchaev Sоil Science Institute, Moscow, Russia

D.I. Rukhovich, candidate of Sciences, V.V. Dokuchaev Sоil Science Institute, Moscow, Russia

Issue:  Volume 42, № 3

Rubric:  Earth sciences

Annotation:  A detailed analysis of the large-scale land-use dynamics of the Tambov region was conducted. It is found that the area of wetlands is about 16 % of agricultural land area, and 6 % of them are on the plow and periodically interfere with the cultivation of crops, i.e. are dynamic areas. It is shown that a statistically significant increase in the area of wetlands in the period from 1968 to 2018 was not observed.Noncultivated arable land, for reasons connected with water logging, is 5 % — 100 thous. ha for a particular year. Total area of arable land, which has a marked effect of waterlogging, in one form or another, over te 1968 to 2018, is 8.5 % (18 thous ha). It`s apparent that most of these lands (8 %) is geting over-watered temporarily, that is, it is a dynamic part of the soil cover of arable land. Methods of retrospective monitoring of soil and land cover have been able to harmonize information on the waterlogging of soils in the Tambov region from several sources. The hypothesis of disastrous grouth of rainfed wetlands of Tambov region, resulting in non-cultivated arable land, has not been confirmed

Keywords:  Soil-land cover, dynamics of land use, waterlogging of soils and lands, Tambov region

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