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The evaluation of educational requests for the training of drug abuse prevention volunteers

Author(s):  A.G. Lastovetsky, Dr., Prof., Research Institute of organization and informatization of Health Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia, albertlast@yandex.ru

V.I. Timoshilov, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Kursk state medical university, Kursk, Russia, molkursk@yandex.ru

Issue:  Volume 41, № 3

Rubric:  Preventive Medicine

Annotation:  Drug abuse is one of the most important medical and social problems of young people. The scientific data about different results of traditional anti-drug preventive activities and a big number of legal and ethical problems of anti-drug education forms the base of the need for special training of anti-drug prevention volunteers. The goal of the study was the evaluation of educational requests of anti-drug prevention volunteers. It was conducted a survey of 250 members of public organizations, who rated the importance of each kind of information and skills on a 10-point scale. Statistical processing included calculation of average marks and their variability. According to the results, the most important information are methods and scientific base of preventive activities and programs of government support of social programs of public organizations. The most requested skills are public speeches, development and presentation of

Keywords:  drug abuse, young people, prevention, training, volunteers, public organizations, public health

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