On the solvability and stability of the Сauchy problem for a polynomial difference operator with variable coefficients

Author(s):  M. S. Apanovich, candidate of Sciences, no, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, marina.apanovich@list.ru

Issue:  Volume 50, № 3

Rubric:  Mathematics

Annotation:  We study the solvability and stability of polynomial difference operators coming mainly from the theory of difference schemes. The main result of the paper is formulated in Theorem, which contains conditions on the variable coefficients of a polynomial difference operator that ensure its solvability and stability. The general idea of the proof is that we reduce the Cauchy problem for a polynomial difference equation to the question of the solvability of an infinite system of linear equat ions with an infinite number of unknowns

Keywords:  polynomial difference operator, Cauchy problem, solvability, stability

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