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Mythological consciousness in the Russian media

Author(s):  E.N. Kornilova, Dr., Prof., Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia, ekornilova@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 37, № 3

Rubric:  Journalism and public relations

Annotation:  In this article the author demonstrates and comments on some examples of models of the mythological thinking take place in the Russian mass media in recent decades. The theoretical basis of this study is the work of the largest anthropologists, psychoanalysts, philosophers, literary critics and experts in the field of the study of mythology, as J.J. Freser, E. Cassirer, Z. Freud, B. Malinowski, K. Levi-Strauss, K.G. Jung, R. Barth, M. Eliade, Yu.M. Lotman, A. Guliga, M.M. Bakhtin, E.M. Meletinsky and others. The aim of the research was to create for the writing journalists or researchers of the media space something like a short guide describing the most widespread models of mythological thinking with an indication of an exact description of these models in the scientific literature. The author of the article insists that the mythology, which was the form of the ideology of the early society, has not lost its ideological content to this day. Any ideological system of the modern world uses forms of mythological thinking to manipulate a mass undifferentiated consciousness. The article contains examples of totemic taboos, magic receptions, ritual actions, archetypical models, of which the most common archetypes of the Father and the Hero, and other forms of mythological thinking, taking place in the texts of the Russian media in New Russia with links to specific sources

Keywords:  Mythological thinking, archetypes, the opposition of the collective unconscious, magic, Russian media

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