Some aspects of the problem of prevention of tuberculosis children of early age (review of foreign literature)

Author(s):  V.V. Sukhodolskaya, Municipal budgetary health care institution «Children's City Hospital No. 1, Rostov-on-Don» Donetsk State Medical University named by M. Gorky , Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic,

Issue:  Volume 41, №2

Rubric:  Preventive Medicine

Annotation:  In the article discusses some aspects of the problem of tuberculosis and its prophylaxis on children. The main components of the World TB Control Program are timely detection and treatment of patients, prevention in persons at risk. It has been established that the main tool for preventing the disease is vac-cination with the most effective vaccine against tuberculosis BCG. According to a number of available foreign literature sources summarize the information on BCG vaccination and its complications. Shows the bridging role between the development of adverse reactions and complications after BCG vaccination and various factors related both to the BCG vaccine and to the recipient. The statistics of complications after BCG vaccination was analyzed. It was concluded that the most common complication of BCG vac-cination is regional lymphadenitis. Difficulties in the diagnosis of BCG-associated lymphadenitis have been studied. Despite a significant number of studies conducted to study the factors contributing to the development of BCG-associated lymphadenitis, some of them are still not fully understood. The question is: when and how to use the BCG vaccine to avoid complications, remains controversial, which deter-mines the relevance of further research in this area.

Keywords:  tuberculosis, children, BCG vaccine, complications, lymphadenitis

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