Attempt for the adoption of Anushirvan Khosrov by emperor Justin in the context of the Byzantian-persian relations

Author(s):  A.O. Kulikov, N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod – National Research University , Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia,

I.Yu. Vashcheva, Dr., Prof., N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod – National Research University , Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 45, №2

Rubric:  Topical issues of world history

Annotation:  The article touches on one of the issues of the relationship between the Byzantine and Sasanian empires, superpowers of the late-antique world. The problems of interstate relations, diplomatic practices and in-tercultural dialogue of the early medieval oecumene centers are very relevant today. In this work on the basis of Byzantine and Eastern sources, in particular the Sassanid laws and the "Tajarib al-umam" of Ibn Miskawayh, the case of the unsuccessful adoption of the Persian prince Khosrov Anushirvan by the Byz-antine Emperor Justin I is analysed. The issue was not previously considered in historiography. Mean-while, the analysis of this incident allows us to take a close look not only at the diplomatic practices of the late-antique era, but also on the specifics of legal relations, customs, and, accordingly, the possibilities of intercultural dialogue between the two empires. The author comes to the conclusion that the Roman-Persian adoptions were a rare phenomenon and occurred for legitimizing of a heir. The adoption of Anushirvan by the Roman manner was intended to get him an advantage over older brothers. However, the Persians probably considered themselves as equal to the Byzantines, while the Byzantines could not distinguish the Persians among other barbarians, which could cause misunderstanding, mutual discontent and impede the establishment of adequate diplomatic relations. In general, the article supplements of the complicated and ambiguous picture of relations of the two superpowers of the early medieval world that has developed in contemporary historical science

Keywords:  Byzantium, Sasanides, Justinian I, Khosrov I Anushirvan, Byzantine diplomacy, intercultural dialogue, history of law

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