Features of the historical topography of Egyptian Alexandria

Author(s):  I.V. Zaitseva, candidate of Sciences, Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Internal of the Russian Federation named after I.D. Putilin, Belgorod, Russia, zajcevil@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 45, №2

Rubric:  Topical issues of world history

Annotation:  This article is devoted to the consideration of topographical features of one of the largest trading cities of the late Roman Empire – Egyptian Alexandria. Topic of research is the system of social relations that are developing in Alexandria at different stages of its progress. The subject of research is the topography of this city. The target is to emphasize the specifics of the historical topography of Alexandria on the basis of content-analysis. As a result of the research performed, the author comes to the conclusion that the construction of Alexandria, taking into account the features of the geographical landscape, in many re-spects determined the dynamics of the city's development for several centuries in various spheres of so-cial relations. In the national historical science, this problem was actually remained untouched upon, which largely determines the relevance of the chosen topic research. Alexandria Egyptian attracts the at-tention of representatives of the most diverse branches of scientific knowledge

Keywords:  Alexandria, Roman Empire, topography, Egypt, the Alexandrian school, the Alexandrian Museum, the Alexandrian library, Serapeon of Alexandria

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