Author(s):  Vu Thi Ngoc Anh, Buon Ma Thuot University, Dac Lac, Viet Nam

Ya.Yu. Kulchenko, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

V.I. Deineka, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

L.A. Deineka, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

Issue:  Volume 41, №1

Rubric:  Pharmaceutical Sciences

Annotation:  Ixora flowers (Ixora coccinea) are widely used since Ayurvedic medicine, and literature data prove their high pharmacological potential. In the current investigation differential spectrophotometric method was explored to determine the level of anthocyanins accumulation, that provide extracts under investigation high antioxidant activity. Anthocyanins were extracted from plant material by 0.1 M aqueous solution of HCl by overnight maceration. The total level of anthocyanins accumulation of in dried petals ixora was found to be up to 400 mg per 100 g of plant material. The qualitative composition of anthocyanin com-plex was determined by the method of the reversed-phase HPLC with mass spectrometric and spectropho-tometric detections. It was found that ixora flowers anthocyanin complex is formed with four main sub-stances: 3-rhamnosylglucosides (rutinoside) and 3-rhamnosylgalactosides of cyanidin and peonidin with a great predominance of the cyanidin derivatives.

Keywords:  flowers, Ixora coccinea, anthocyanins, antioxidants, extraction, spectrophotometry, reversed-phase HPLC.

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