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Birth of cultural capital. Capitalization of knowledge from middle ages before the new time

Author(s):  A.M. Andreeva, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture, Belgorod, Russia, aandreeva@bgiik.ru

S.N. Borisov, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture, Belgorod, Russia, aandreeva@bgiik.ru

O.N. Rimskaya, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture, Belgorod, Russia, aandreeva@bgiik.ru

Issue:  Volume 42, №24

Rubric:  Human Being. Culture. Society

Annotation:  The article deals with the problem of capitalization of knowledge in European education systems. Attention is drawn to the origins of the European educational tradition, rooted in antiquity and Christianity. The idea that it is worth talking about the emergence of cultural capital in the context of the emerging connection between culture and capital is justified when the culture of the common symbolic space of the Middle Ages is divided into separate cultures within the borders of national states. A new culture formation (to national cultures) and a new structure of capitals and ways of their translation corresponds to the University of the Modernist era (Gumbolds University)

Keywords:  knowledge, education, cultural and historical practices, university, M.K. Petrov

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