Carmen contra paganos (The Poem against the Nations)
Author(s): М.А. Vedeshkin, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia, vedeshkinma@gmail.comА.А. Sochilin, Moscow University of Finance and Law MFUA, Moscow, Russia,
Issue: Volume 38, №8
Rubric: Topical issues of world history
Annotation: The following work is the first annotated translation of the Late Latin poem «Carmen contra Paganos» into Russian. This anonymous poem is dedicated to life and death of a certain pagan prefect, whose identity is the subject of a fierce scientific debate. Despite the relatively low literary quality of the poem, it is one of the most important sources, illuminating the pagan cults of Rome in the end of IV century AD
Keywords: . Late Antiquity, Poetry, Rome, Senate, Paganism, Christianity
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