Russian immigrants in Turkestan: problems of interrelation with the local population

Author(s):  S.N. Brezhneva, Dr., Prof., Leningrad state University named after A. S. Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 37, №1

Rubric:  Topical issues of world history

Annotation:  The article deals with Russian colonization of Turkestan, which began immediately after the conquest of this territory by Russia. It was revealed that the resettlement of Russian peasants in Turkestan was regulated by the Russian generally accepted legal standards, but had its own local features. Russian settlers’ relationship with the local population and the causes of conflict situations were investigated. The conclusion that Russian administration resettlement policy was inadequate because of the lack of a legal framework and clear resettlement plan was based on the analysis of problems that arose between the indigenous population and the Russian settlers

Keywords:  Turkestan, resettlement policy, Russian immigrants, indigenous people, interrelation

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