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Philosophy and russian love of wisdom

Author(s):  A.V. Losev, candidate of Sciences, no, -, Moscow, Russia, lavpsi @mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 44, № 4

Rubric:  Scientific Life and Communication

Annotation:  Russian love of wisdom, as a synonym for Russian philosophy, is inextricably linked with the ancient Greek logos. There is no Russian love of wisdom in something different from the Greek idea of philosophy. The idea of philosophy, voiced by the ancient Greeks, still determines the approach and method of all philosophizing. The “features” of Russian philosophy are not exclusively its features, but simply inherent to philosophy. The sincerity and heartiness of a Russian person focuses his thought on certain topics, mainly of an existential and moral nature. In the heart, as the embodiment of the unity of two worlds, they unite into the whole earthly and heavenly. Russian philosophy is characterized, firstly, by the captivity of the ideas of an integral person, integral knowledge, an integral world, and secondly, the desire to go beyond not only everyday life, but also being, towards an unattainable and inexpressible. The challenge of philosophy in relation to Russian wisdom is the primacy of independent thought in the face of cultural and philosophical traditions. Russian philosophy should be, first of all, an experience of independent thought breaking through to its own foundations of life. It will remain Russian for future historians of philosophy, becoming yet another museum exhibit in a string of popular experiences of thought. And it will remain a philosophy simply if it inspires, attracts, interests after centuries.

Keywords:  philosophy, Russian philosophy, Russian love of wisdom, the cordiality of Russian philosophy, experience of independent thought.

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