Ecological beauty as a cultural value

Author(s):  P.A. Belousov, candidate of Sciences, no, Vladimir state University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletov, Vladimir, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 44, № 4

Rubric:  Thesis

Annotation:  The necessity of preservation wildlife diversity as the living environment and the source of human creative opportunities actualizes the problem of theoretical identification of the ecological beauty concept. The aim of the article is the substantiation of spiritual and practical genesis of the aesthetic sense of nature and its design within the framework of ecological aesthetics. With that, the problem of subject selfdetermination of ecological aesthetics in the system of disciplines which related to the environment philosophy and the culture philosophy. The ecological aesthetics includes in its content both the aesthetic and ethical values, the explication of which is the form of prescriptions of proper human attitude to wildlife, to ecological communities. The specificity of ecological beauty and relevant aesthetic sense is in the syncretism of the beauty perception, integrity, stability of the biological community in their unity as the representations of ecological weal - the guarantor of human well-being. Author relies on the methodology of the “activity approach” to the understanding of the essence of ideal abilities and needs, which defining the cultural and historical character of ecological aesthetic feeling formation, in which the main role is played the upbringing and education of the person. Author express in the article critical attitude to the position of natural-genetic determination of person spiritual qualities. The content of the article can be useful in the development of methodology of youth ecological education

Keywords:  environmental aesthetics, environmental beauty, environmental ethics, environmental good, natural, artificial, education, art.

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