The main directions of national forensic system integration for investigation DNA

Author(s):  E.V. Ivanova, Dr., associate Professor, State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Russia,

А.В. Rostovtsev, candidate of Sciences, no, Moscow regional branch of Moscow State University named after V.Y. Kikot, Staroteryaevo, Ruzsky district, Moscow region, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 44, № 4

Rubric:  Actual Problems of Legal Regulation

Annotation:  Judicial-expert activity of the state must correspond to national goals, as well as to international legal and professional standards. A wide discussion of the issues of integration of judicial and expert activities in the international space leads to harmonization and improvement of the national expert legislation, scientific bases of expertise and borrowing of the scientific experience of other states. The DNA identification method is currently the most effective and promising for the study of traces of biological origin and serves as a prerequisite for optimizing proof in criminal proceedings. On the basis of expert technologies, forensic genetic accounts have been formed, in which millions of accounting objects are accumulated. In recent years, international cooperation in the field of forensic expert systems has been stepped up, in particular, the exchange of data on forensic genetic accounts. The main directions of integration of national forensic systems are harmonization of practices and standards "DNA typing", training programs, convergence of legislation.

Keywords:  international cooperation, information technologies, DNA-identification, forensic genetic accounting.

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