Training personnel for the Tula weapon factory in the 20s of the XX-th century: historiography of the problem in the regional aspect

Author(s):  M.B. Krapiventseva, no, no, Tula State Arms Museum, Tula, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 46, № 4

Rubric:  Topical issues of russian history

Annotation:  The article is devoted to a problem interconnected with local history historiography, which studies personnel training for the Tula Arms Plant at one of the most important stages of its history. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the 1920s were a time of active formation of a training system for the Tula Arms Plant. The enterprise’s need for qualified personnel has largely stimulated the emergence of technical educational institutions. Some of them went beyond the factory with time and became important for the city. The author analyzed a large array of historiographical sources related to the stated field of study: the history of the Tula Arms Plant, vocational education in Tula, summarizes the research results for the period from the end of 1920s until now. The article notes a significant contribution to the study of the stated issue made by international scientific conferences, which regularly highlight the topics of the design building and the organizers of the production of Tula Arms Plant. The publication reveals the degree of knowledge of the problem of training for personnel, and identifies existing gaps. As a result, the author showed that the comprehensive coverage of this issue in the scientific literature is currently missing.

Keywords:  historiography, engineering and technical personnel, vocational education, personnel training, Tula, Tula Arms Plant.

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DOI:  10.18413/2075-4458-2019-46-4-733-743

Reference to article:  Krapiventseva M.V. 2019. Training personnel for the Tula weapon factory in the 20s of the XX century: historiography of the problem in the regional aspect Belgorod State University Scientific Bulletin. History. Political Science, 46(4): 733–743 (in Russian). DOI 10.18413/2075-4458-2019-46-4- 733-743