The pheomenon of functional literacy in modern higher education

Author(s):  V.M. Sizyakina, Don State Technical University (DSTU), Rostov-on-Don, Russia,

T.A. Lopatukhina, Dr., Prof., Don State Technical University (DSTU), Rostov-on-Don, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 38, № 3

Rubric:  Pedagogics

Annotation:  Traditionally, the fundamental Soviet education has ceased its existence at the end of the last century. In addition, since that time education in Russia has lost its destination as a source of academic and professional functional literacy, personal development and training. There are two types of functional literacy in education – elementary and fundamental. Persons-functionaries possess elementary functional literacy being obedient executors. Moreover, people-promising creators and producers possess fundamental functional literacy. In order to get a society of people with fundamental literacy, the state, the society itself and each individual should solve many cultural, educational, economic and social problems. We’ll dwell here only on four of them: 1) the teacher’s role in education; 2) the conditions for human intellectual development; 3) the application of the author’s text-centered technique in education; 4) the realization in practical educational process some pedagogical frameworks of fundamental functional foreign language literacy

Keywords:  functional literacy, educational paradigm, skills, habits, competencies, competence, obedient executors, promising creators

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