Author(s): S.A. Kolesnikov, Dr., Prof., Belgorod law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia named after I.D. Putilin, Belgorod, Russia, skolesnikov2015@yandex.ruIssue: Volume 44, № 2
Rubric: Religion Studies and Sociology of Culture
Annotation: The article deals with the problem of theological existence on the basis of Carl Barth's philosophical-theological studies. In the context of the stated problems, the parametric complex of theological research, which was the leading one for K. Bart's professional activity, is revealed. An organic fusion of theology and existence, which he carried out in his professional activity. Bart, determined the system of values of "theological existence": the creative-explosive nature of theological study, the paradox, the seriousness, the ability to sacral listening, metaphysical wonder, loyalty to a theological vocation, a willingness to risk the theological search. "Theology of the explosion", which became the methodological principle of K. Bart's approaches, determined the dynamics of his scientific and professional evolution. This approach is based on a creative strategy of building radical meanings-explosions, which are built in a conceptual chain of theological studies. All parametric complex formed in the theological concept of mission, based on grace and the law itself to be a theologian.
Keywords: Carl Barth theology, dialectical theology, theological mission, paradox and theology, parameters of theological existence, University theology
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