Author(s):  S.I. Madzhaeva, Dr., associate Professor, Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan, Russia, sanya-madzhaeva@yandex.ru

E.M. Baydasheva, candidate of Sciences, Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan, Russia, bem27@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 38, № 2

Rubric:  Linguistics

Annotation:  The article is devoted to medical terms, having in its composition the word color naming in English language. It is revealed that the analyzed terms are divided into thematic groups, denoting diseases, symptoms, laboratory studies, medicines. The semantic connection within the thematic groups is shown. It is considered the heterogeneity color terms in its composition. The core is two-part terms. The main color terms in the language of medicine are white, red and yellow. Color term is necessary in the process of professional communication, it represents professional and language picture of the world of the doctor. The color, being one of the factors influencing the perception of reality, is also used in modern medical terminology, without which it is impossible to effectively fixation and transmission of the scientific information. The semantics of medical terms with color term is identified that some terms in the English language change their meaning in the modern world in the language of medicine. The presented terms concretize the disease, expand the professional picture of the world of a medical specialist, and also indicate the development of medicine, and its language carry complex information about the disease, drug, symptom, etc.

Keywords:  color, color naming, terms, medical terms, language of medicine, color term

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