Approaches to selection of input and output devices of distributed terminal systems

Author(s):  A.V. Smirnov, no, no, Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia

A.P. Khakhamov, no, no, Federal state budgetary institution of higher education «Orel state University» named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, Russia,,

Yu.V. Kiselev, The Federal state government military educational institution of higher education «The Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation», Orel, Russia

P.Yu. Khakhamov, Dr., associate Professor, The Federal state government military educational institution of higher education «The Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation», Orel, Russia,

O.O. Basov, Dr., associate Professor, Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, St. Petersburg, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 46, № 2

Rubric:  Infocommunication technologies

Annotation:  The given work is devoted to consideration of one of stages of creation of the distributed terminal system – procedure of selection of necessary target equipment. It has been established that in order to create such a distributed terminal system that would satisfy the user's needs, it is necessary to correctly select the devices for playback and recording of visual and sound information. To solve this problem, the analysis of characteristics presented by the developers of ready-made devices was carried out. The most important end-user characteristics of the equipment acting as sources of playback and recording of sound and visual information are given. On the basis of the given characteristics the authors have made the general classification of devices of recording and reproduction of sound and visual information. The sample of typical devices of output and input of the visual information which characteristics most fully satisfy requirements of quality, given to the distributed terminal system is offered.

Keywords:  playback device, recording device, distributed terminal system.

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