Author(s):  N.I. Petev, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Vladimir state University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs, Vladimir , Russia

Issue:  Volume 44, № 1

Rubric:  Religion Studies and Sociology of Culture

Annotation:  The article discusses the initiatory phenomenon of Norse mythology. Dedication plays a vital role in the social life of a people or ethnic group. The specific of it depends on religious beliefs, which through the myths reveal the essence and teleology of this phenomenon. The text of myths of the religion of the an-cient Germans it is impossible to meet a strong indication of the immediate fact of initiation. Initiatic el-ement is present in the myths implied. Therefore requires a detailed analysis of myths to identify initiatic elements. However, a total myth he played the role of a stimulator of the entire ontological process in Norse mythology. In addition, the initiatic aspect of Norse mythology is interconnected with the eschatology and the apocalyptic religion of the ancient Germans. The result of this study revealed that initiatic element in the mythology of the ancient Germans is present in three forms: providentialism in the frame-work of the apocalyptic, the personality associated with soteriology and the military.

Keywords:  initiation, dedication, Loki, the Death of Baldur, Fenrir, Odin, Ragnarok, morality

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