Author(s):  S.I. Sulimov, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Voronezh State University, Voronezh , Russia,

Issue:  Volume 44, № 1

Rubric:  Human Being. Culture. Society

Annotation:  This work is devoted to consideration of an anthropological component of a phenomenon of anti-system, that is human qualities of anti-system ideologists and leaders. Under the term "anti-system" the author, leaning on L.N. Gumilev and V.L. Makhnach's researches, understands the destructive social and spiritual group arising at contacts of the developed societies. The anti-system doctrine consists of the components of various spiritual cultures contradicting each other and therefore it is not suitable for the constructive relation to the world. But it inspires the carriers on destruction of cash social reality, and denial of reality is its important line. On examples of Mazdak Bamdad, leader of the eschatological movement in Sasanidsky Persia the beginnings of the 6th century AD, and Hong Xiu-tsyuanya, the ideological inspirer and the leader of a revolt of taypins in China 19th century, are considered the identity of anti-system leaders. The author specifies that their important line is the wide, but not tied to some uniform cultural tradition outlook. Not the practicality, but the pensiveness passing into socio-political utopianism is derivative of such erudition. In a final part of work parallels between anti-system figures of the past and their modern analogs from among radical Islamists are drawn.

Keywords:  anti-system, syncretism, socio-political utopianism, chiliasm, sectarianism, Mazdakis, taypins

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