Author(s):  S.I. Nekrasov, Dr., Prof., Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow, Russia

N.A. Nekrasova, Dr., Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, Moscow, Russia

A.S. Nekrasov, Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, Moscow, Russia

Issue:  Volume 44, № 1

Rubric:  Human Being. Culture. Society

Annotation:  The article is devoted to the consideration of the process of formation of philosophical problems in the process of the formation of Russian philosophy and science, analyzes the transformation of ideas about the essence of man and his abilities, starting with A.N. Radishchev, for whom the concept of "soul" per-forms the function of integrating various psychic abilities, which is similar to the notion of "conscious-ness" in our time, and it is noted that human sensuality begins to form at an early childhood, while the reason manifests its strength only as a result of adulthood and education and with the extinction of the life of the body and sensuality, and the mind also fade away; understanding of a person as a naturally formed machine device, which in the course of its functioning generates multilevel mental activity, really becomes a very influential point of view in N.F. Fedorov, in whom we meet the idea that the organism is a machine whose work fully determines the existence of consciousness; and ending with N.G. Chernyshev-sky and P.D. Yurkevich, as well as a specific approach to this problem A.I. Vvedensky, V.S. Solovyov and P.D. Yurkevich.

Keywords:  consciousness, thinking, nature, psychic abilities, soul

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