Author(s):  M.Yu. Reutin, Dr., Institute for Higher Humani-ties, Russian state University for the Humanities , Moscow, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 44, № 1

Rubric:  History of Philosophy, Social Sciences and Humanities

Annotation:  The processes of formation of the language of German mysticism also proceeded in addition to its positioning with respect to Latin and its interaction with it. Thus, the splitting of the predicate (moving - making movement), the substantivization of adjectives and verbs became an external (rhetorical) manifestation of global shifts in the field of ontology during the transition from bib-lical, creation, to neoplatonic, emanational, models of its construction. In German mysticism, lexical means of deixis emerged and began to develop: words that perform an indicative function and place the speaker at the center of the utterance, which is inextricably linked with the discov-ery of the individual in the 2nd half of the 12th century, and has an analog direct perspective in painting. The texts of German mystics reflected the history of the formation of metaphor and at least three of its varieties: the protometaphor, the classical metaphor and the metaphor, which includes deconstruction.

Keywords:  emanation, energy, form, discovery of individual, metaphor, deixis

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