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The third Stalin blow as myth and reality

Author(s):  V.Y.Polyakov, Dr., Prof., Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, Simferopol, Russia, info@kipu-rc.ru

Issue:  Volume 46, № 1

Rubric:  Topical issues of russian history

Annotation:  In the article history of origin of term «10 Stalin shots» is given. The comparative analysis of interpretation of the «Third blow» and «Crimean offensive operation» is carried out. The reasons of primary popularity of term the «Third blow», its oblivion and revival, are examined. The dynamics of the struggle for the liberation of the peninsula, both from the Kerch Peninsula and from the Chongaro-Perekop direction, is shown. The principal gaps in the actions of the troops in these areas have been revealed. The interrelation of the Crimean offensive operation and Krivoy Rog-Nikopol is shown. The reasons for the passive participation at this stage of the Black Sea Fleet ships are analyzed. The analysis of the actions of the German-Romanian command to evacuate troops from the Crimea in 1944 was carried out. The effect of the delay in conducting an offensive operation on the state of the partisan movement on the peninsula is shown.

Keywords:  Stalinist strikes, war, Crimea, Kerch, Perekop, army, front, partisans.

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