Pedagogical questology

Author(s):  O.V. Volkova, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics & Law,, Belgorod, Russia,

O.A. Vitokhina, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics & Law, Belgorod, Russia

I.I. Lysova, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics & Law, Belgorod, Russia

Issue:  Volume 38, № 1

Rubric:  Pedagogics

Annotation:  The article considers the concept of «pedagogical questology» – a new format of foreign language teaching by means of quest tasks, focused on improving students’ intellectual level and foreign language skills, contributing to the spiritual, moral, patriotic, aesthetic education and professional development of the modern generation. Specific quests on various topics included in the foreign language curriculum are presented. They serve to expansion of the intellectual potential and communicative competence of students. The feasibility of the implementation foreign language quest material in the educational process of a non-linguistic university as one of the many ways to develop educational technologies has been identified and substantiated. The concept of the quest has been investigated. The authors believe that pedagogical questology is designed to study activities of all the educational process participants. The article raises pedagogical and methodological issues of improving modern language education; identifies traditional and new approaches in the integrated foreign language teaching at the university; emphasizes the insufficient usage of quest technologies in the system of secondary and higher vocational education. The authors reveal the essence of pedagogical innovative technologies; explore new environments for learning a foreign language; critically analyze issues of education modernization. The authors give scientific arguments in favour of the necessity to develop the modern education process by means of quest tasks implemented into various academic disciplines. As examples, the article provides specific multifaceted quests within the framework of a foreign language educational program aimed at the expansion of students’ intellectual potential and foreign language communicative competence development. Among the main advantages of pedagogical questology there are the educational activities intensification, students' individual abilities improvement, teamwork skills mastering, knowledge systemization, self-education and self-cultivation optimization.

Keywords:  higher and secondary professional education, modernization of the educational process, foreign language, linguistic education, quest, individual and creative projects, quest projects, optimization of the educational process, pedagogical questology.

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