Author(s):  M.V. Podshivalova, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, South Ural State University, National Research, Chelyabinsk, Russia,

D.V. Podshivalov, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, South Ural State National Research University, Belgorod , Russia

Issue:  Volume 46, № 1

Rubric:  Isectoral markets and market infrastructure

Annotation:  The relevance of institutions quality's evaluation was increased after the scientific community's recognition of slogan – «institutions matter». In the small businesses' development system, the institutional factor, as it is known, is particularly significant. The article bases on the review of scientific publications carried out a classification of existing approaches to the institutions assessment. Conceptual approaches are singled out: social, entropic, dysfunctional, expensive. Also, approaches of empirical level are realized, such as: comparative, legal, normative and behavioral. Disadvantages of the most popular method assessment – ratings are identified. Existing methodological problems of institutions quality assessing are described regardless of the research level. Among the main ones are the abstraction from institutional system' internal structure and its elements' complementarity, as well as the concentration estimates at the «output» of the system. To address this shortcoming, the institutional option concept is proposed, which contributes to the approaches development on the example of small enterprises of the industry. There is substantiation of introduction into scientific circulation the term «institutional option». Its basic properties are described hierarchy, semantics, breadth, relevance and dependence on scientific and technological progress. The concept's potentialities of improving institutions quality assessing are singled out. Logic circuits of the institutional option are proposed on example the key issues of small businesses – the high tax level. As the source of option elements are considered institutions that are actively used in practice by small businesses to reduce tax burden. Among them – the institutions of contract, private entrepreneur, special tax regimes, special economic zones, economic company, the shadow economy and shadow employment. In conclusion the proposed approach's practical value of is described which generally can improve the quality of analysis of institutions at any research level. The main advantage of the concept is «problem» paradigm application for structuring the institutional environment. This allows as directions for further research to assess the institutional environment quality in dynamics, since binding to a specific «problem field» provides an opportunity to compare institutional options with different semantics and breadth.

Keywords:  small business, institutions, institutions assessment, institutional option, quality of institutions

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