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Peasant’s trade in Voronezh province in the post-reform period (second half of XIX – beginning of XX century)

Author(s):  S.S. Zhuravlev, Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh, Russia, zhuravlev310@yandex.ru

A.V. Perepelitsyn, Dr., Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh, Russia

Issue:  Volume 45, № 4

Rubric:  Topical issues of russian history

Annotation:  The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the development of peasant’s trade in Voronezh province in the second half of XIX – early XX century. On the basis of data presented in materials of the Zemstvo system statistics of the province relating to the post-reform period of time, it is possible to trace the nature and scale of retail and wholesale trade in Voronezh villages and cities of Voronezh region, to analyze the features of the development of handicraft small-scale production, which played a leading role in the functioning of fairs and drinking establishments, to explore the range of goods that were exported to the markets and fairs of the province. A comprehensive analysis of the Zemstvo system statistics of the second half of XIX-early XX centuries, led to the conclusion that despite the small volume of trade operations of the peasantry on the all-Russian background, they supplied cities and villages with everything necessary: food, clothing, household items for a long time. Ключевые

Keywords:  fair, crafts, small-scale production, handicraft industry, shop trade, drinking establishment.

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