Implementation of the orcs course in the Udmurt republic

Author(s):  Y.G. Matushanskaya, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia

D.M. Saharnyh, Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 43, № 4

Rubric:  Religion Studies and Sociology of Culture

Annotation:  Udmurtia is subject of Russian Federation. Udmurtia have the national and ethno-confessional specifics. The basic religion of Udmurtia is Russian Orthodox Church. This article is devoted to religious education at school in Udmurtia. In 2002, together with the Izhevsk and Udmurt dioceses, the institute launched the annual conference “Christmas readings”. Recognized authorities emerge in the teaching en-vironment in the field of teaching the basics of Orthodox culture. However, there was no need to talk about the mass demand for teaching the "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture", "Lessons of Philokalia", etc. in Udmurtia. And it was not a question of the possibility of including such subjects in the regional component of general education. Therefore, the introduction of a new subject - the ORKSE with the module “Basics of the Right-Glorious Culture” - was almost unexpected for the pedagogical community and organizers of pedagogy.

Keywords:  religious education at school, Udmurtia, Russian Orthodox Church, Islam

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