Systemic approaches and networking paradigm: vertical vs horizontal

Author(s):  M.A. Ignatov, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod State Institute of arts and culture , Belgorod, Russia,

G.N. Kalinina, Dr., Prof., Belgorod State Institute of arts and culture, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 43, № 4

Rubric:  Logics, Methodology and Philosophy of Science

Annotation:  This article focuses on systemic approaches and network paradigm: vertical vs. horizontal, as what the authors justified the key notion that given today's new realities adequate visualization and reflection of basic phenomena and cultural universals of contemporary world and aftepostneklassicheskoj model of the world is not possible in the old linear paradigm of three-dimensional space and irreversible time. In this context, carried out reconstruction of binary constructs "vertical – horizontal" and opposition analysis system (vertical) vs network (horizontal) in the discourse of modern network culture is that it essentially reflects the processes formation model of the world and our perceptions of it. It is noteworthy that the movement of the Earth to the sky "and" from the Center to the periphery – "since ancient times, provided the link parts of the world, stressing his integrity and proper functioning of." and the dialectics of vertical and horizontal convergence is reflected in many pratekstah the prototype vertical-tree image and horizontal road.

Keywords:  network, system, network, and system paradigm approaches, vertical, horizontal, temporality, space, time, culture.

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