Modern mediatext in the aspect of culturology: figurative names of geographical objects

Author(s):  N.V. Basko, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 37, № 4

Rubric:  Journalism and public relations

Annotation:  The article is devoted to one of the current directions in modern media linguistics - the linguistic and culturological aspect of studying the Russian media texts. In the article the media text is considered as a source of cultural information on the example of the figurative names of geographical objects. In parallel with the official geographic names presented in the encyclopaedias, reference books and geographical maps, the figurative names of geographical objects are widely used in the media texts as phrases of a figurative character, secondarily naming a geographic object – periphrases. The subject of the analysis is semantics, structure, stylistic properties of the toponym periphrases, as well as metaphorical images underlying their semantics. The article also discusses the specifics of functioning of the toponym periphrases as a means of secondary naming of geographical objects together with the stylistic functions of these figurative expressions in the structure of the media text. Figurative names of geographical objects are used mainly in journalistic media texts. The author concludes that the periphrases of geographical objects names are a reserve of synonymous means of language, performing the expressive and aesthetic functions in the media text. Based on the performed analysis, the author also comes to the conclusion that a media text containing descriptive names of toponyms can act as a source of popularization of both the scientific knowledge and the emotional, figurative resources of the language. Because the media texts reflect a sociocultural picture of Russia and the world, such an approach allows us to consider the media text as an effective means of influencing a wide, mass audience that has a powerful educational potential. The use of the figurative names of cities in the media texts plays an important role in the cultural education of students.

Keywords:  media linguistics, media text, cultural linguistics, geographical object, figurative name, periphrase, toponym, popularization of culture, educational function.

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