Plants of the Genus Syringa L. in the Collection of the Botanical Garden of the Belgorod State University

Author(s):  N.A. Martynovа, candidate of Sciences, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

V.K. Tokhtar, Dr., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

M.Yu. Tretyakov, candidate of Sciences, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

L.A. Tokhtar, candidate of Sciences, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

N.N. Tkachenko, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

Issue:  Volume 42, № 3

Rubric:  Biological sciences

Annotation:  Currently, over 2000 cultivars of lilac are registered in the world, most of which originated from Syringa vulgaris. A study of phenological types of development, blooming periods, winter hardiness and drought resistance in 8 species and 6 cultivars of lilacs (Syringa vulgaris L. and Syringa × hyacinthiflora Rheder) of different geographical and hybrid origin, growing in the Botanical Garden of “BelSU” has been done. During the observation period of time all studied species and their cultivars proved to be highly resistant to winter and drought, no damage was observed to pests and diseases. With the exception of species planted in 2015, plants annually bloom abundantly and bear many fruits. Plants of the Syringa L. genus are among the most promising crops used in the landscaping of the Belgorod region by the sum of the adaptation coefficient. Creation of siringarium based on the scientific-and- educational center of the Botanical Garden of "BelSU" has been started. The collection of species will consist more than 250 cultivars. The creation of the unique lilacs collection should be the starting point of the work on the lilac selection in Belgorod

Keywords:  Syringa, introduction, section, cultivars, flowering, phenological group, origin, winter hardiness, drought tolerance

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