The application of software complex intellectual data analysis for processing of economic information

Author(s):  J.G. Shatalova, Sevastopol economic-humanitarian Institute (branch) of the Crimean Federal University, Sevastopol, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 45, № 3

Rubric:  System analysis and processing of knowledge

Annotation:  The article discusses a software complex of intellectual analysis of data is intended for processing the results of scientific research in Economics. The developed complex can be used for training students of economic specialties. Of particular interest is the complex for remote interactive learning. Combining multiple Data Mining methods in a single software package facilitates the process of data analysis allows the researcher to compare the results obtained by different methods, and to systematize findings. Also the system provides visualization of data and results implemented methods for rendering two-dimensional and multidimensional data. The software package is based on JAVA platform, it has a multimodular structure. Due to the modular approach, the system can easily scales: it is possible to fill it with new modules that implement additional methods of Data Mining. The complex implements the following methods: regression analysis, methods of mathematical programming, genetic algorithms, neural networks

Keywords:  Data Mining methods, neural networks, mathematical programming, regression analysis, genetic algorithms

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