Relation between law and morality in the solovyovsvision

Author(s):  K.V. Kravets, Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 43, № 3

Rubric:  Thesis

Annotation:  Theories of identification and demarcation of right and ethical norms, according to VS. Solovyov, arose because of a wrong approach to understanding the relationship between morality and law. Since the requirements of morality are by their nature an absolute and unconditional ideal, they presuppose the presence in the moral field of relativity. That is, the requirements of perfection can be addressed only to the imperfect, urging him to strive for this perfection. And the existence of this relative or imperfect as distinct from absolute morality is a fact that can not be denied. In this case, V.S. Soloviev believes that, despite the difference between the perfect and the imperfect, they can not be opposed to each other as two completely different, having nothing in common with each other. Opposite these two areas form a close special relationship between each other. The article deals with the particularly discussing question in legal science – law and morality. The article gives a detailed analysis of this problem in the treatises of Russian philosopher Vladimir Soloviev

Keywords:  law, morality, Christianity, absolute ideal, improvement, progress of law

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