History of the creation of the Soviet model of the public Prosecutor’s Office (1917–1922)

Author(s):  E.V. Safronova, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, Elena_safronova_2010@mail.ru

V.N. Strukov, Belgorod law Institute of the Russian interior Ministry named after I. D. Putilin, Belgorod, Russia, str-v-n@yandex.ru

Issue:  Volume 43, № 3

Rubric:  Actual Problems of Legal Regulation

Annotation:  The article deals with a historical and legal analysis of the establishment of the public prosecutor's office during the period of the Soviet Union of Russian history. The paper contends that the period of the creation of the Soviet Prosecutor's Office (1917–1922) at a time when the old state system was breaking down, the history of setting up supervisory bodies is of special interest. During this period, the model of the supervisory bodies of the Soviet state was determined, various versions of the prosecutor's office were tested: as part of the judicial system, part of the supervisory and investigative apparatus, and as an independent state body. The authors conclude that the new model differed significantly from the organization of the Russian Empire's prosecutor's office in the pre-revolutionary period. The main distinctive feature was the combination of two functions in the activities of the prosecutor's office: general supervision of compliance with the rule of law and the maintenance of public prosecution in criminal proceedings. This characteristic feature testified to the efforts of the Soviet government to take control of all aspects of the legal life of the state. The established model of total control corresponded to the political system and the form of the Soviet state of the 1920s

Keywords:  The Soviet Union state, history of the public prosecutor’s office, the public prosecutor’s office of the Soviet Union, supervision, rule of law, law and order, decree

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