Campaigning on the internet: Version of the doctrine and dynamism of practice

Author(s):  M.V. Markhgeym, Dr., Prof., Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

L.I. Nikonova, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 43, № 3

Rubric:  Actual Problems of Legal Regulation

Annotation:  The constitutional right of citizens to participate in the management of state Affairs through elections, which supports a General conceptual approach to the source of power – the people, on the one side, is provided by legislative, institutional, procedural, other guarantees, on the other, – gives citizens the status of an object for which candidates for the exercise of public power are zealously and not always correctly hunted. In this hunt serious networks, including global are placed. The article presents doctrinal and practical approaches to the study of election campaigning on the Internet, including in the conceptual way, from the standpoint of advantages and disadvantages, forms and technologies. On the example of election campaigns of recent years, held in Russia and abroad, the characteristic options of using different methods of election campaigning on the Internet. It is concluded that the dynamics of the global network causes an increase in the methods used in it agitation. It is emphasized that this, on the one hand, allows the voter to more accurately determine their political preferences, and on the other – in the absence of proper legislative regulation creates the risks of illegal distribution of election campaign materials, the use of various technologies to manipulate public opinion

Keywords:  constitutional rights of citizens, political rights, elections, pre-election campaigning on the Internet, candidates, political parties, methods of agitation

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